by Admin
Posted on 30-03-2023 07:32 AM
State farm also used its claims data to rank the top five months for us lightning claims in 2021. It found that september was the month in which the costliest lightning claims were made, at $19. 5 million total. It was followed by august ($19 million), october ($13 million), november ($9. 8 million), and december ($9. 5 million). Citing findings from the insurance
institute, state farm said that ground surges account for 50% of lightning-related claims. This means that if lightning ever strikes near a home, it can cause a spike in electricity, shorting out electrical systems and electronics.
Lightning strikes the earth about 100 times every second and can heat the surrounding air to up to 50,000 degrees fahrenheit ( the weather channel ). As such a destructive force, it’s no wonder lightning damage caused $790 million in homeowners insurance losses in 2015 and an average of almost $8,000 per paid claim ( insurance information institute ). Moreover, these amounts are expected to rise as the average number and value of electronics within a home increases. The rising cost of lightning damage claims illustrates the importance to insurance carriers of properly identifying the peril prior to making a settlement decision.
Categorised blog , insurance dispute , property insurance according to data from the national weather service , florida leads the nation in lightning strikes. In fact, more than ten percent of the all lightning damage property insurance claims come from florida residents. Lightning can damage property in a number of different ways. You should know if your policy covers your damage, and how to make an effective lightning damage insurance claim. If you are involved in a lightning damage insurance dispute, or you have any questions about florida property insurance claims, please contact an experienced broward county property insurance lawyer for assistance.
Much like claims for break-in, theft, and vandalism , contents claims from lightning strike can be complicated and voluminous. The difference though is that all of the items are likely still in your possession. With contents claims related to lightning strikes, your insurance company expects you to compile a list of the damaged items, citing the make and model, as well as the place you purchased it, the price you purchased it for, and the approximate replacement cost. That's just the start. After that, they may send an engineer to test all of the items (either to confirm what we already know, or with the intent of claiming it was broken/damaged before the lightning strike).
By charles r. Tutwiler on 7/6/2015
summer is the time of the year when lightning can cause severe damage or even destroy your property. No surprises to folks in florida, as they know we are widely regarded as the lightning capital of the u. S. The raising heat over the florida peninsula pulling in the cooler sea breeze later in the day often creates spectacular lightning shows followed by out of this world thunder claps. The results of these storms can be manifested in two ways, both bad.
The first is life, health, and safety issues (see lightning season in florida proving deadly ) and the other is property damage resulting from lighting strikes that cause fires to buildings and destroy personal and business property.
Lighting strikes are a surprisingly common occurrence in some parts of the united states – central florida for example, which averages more than 100 days of lightning storms per year – and the damage they do to property can be very serious. Fires are the most obvious types of damage, but other possible damages include the “frying” of a home or building’s electrical system (requiring a full re-wiring) and pinhole leaks in the plumbing (which can cause persistent leaks that are very hard to track down and fix). Luckily, lighting strike property damage is covered by the majority of property insurance policies.